La DBT, sviluppata da Marsha M. Linehan, professore di Psicologia Clinica presso la Washington University di Seattle (USA), è un trattamento cognitivo-comportamentale complesso originariamente sviluppato per soggetti a grave rischio suicidario che in seguito è stato specificamente applicato a soggetti che soffrono di disturbo borderline di personalità.
La ricerca empirica ha ampiamente dimostrato l'efficacia della DBT nel disturbo borderline di personalità soprattutto nel ridurre i comportamenti suicidari, i ricoveri in ambiente psichiatrico, l'abbandono delle cure, l'abuso di sostanze, la disregolazione emozionale e le difficoltà interpersonali.
In seguito la DBT è stata adattata ad altre condizioni psicopatologiche in cui la disregolazione emozionale gioca un ruolo importante quali la dipendenza da sostanze e da alcol, i disturbi del comportamento alimentare (bulimia, binge eating), la suicidarietà nell'adolescenza, la depressione nell'anziano.
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Marsha Linehan
Marsha M. Linehan, nata nel 1943, è professoressa di Psicologia Clinica presso la University of Washington di Seattle (USA) dove inoltre dirige la Behavioral Research and Therapy Clinic (BRTC). Partendo dalla psicoterapia comportamentale ha messo a punto, nel corso degli anni, un sistema terapeutico denominato Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) in cui confluiscono in maniera organica varie componenti tra cui la mindfulness. La DBT, nata dall'interesse per soggetti gravemente suicidari, si è in seguito affermata come uno dei trattamenti di maggiore efficacia per il disturbo borderline, ma anche per i disturbi del comportamento alimentare e per le dipendenze da sostanze. Peculiarità della DBT è di essere un sistema fondato sulla ricerca scientifica empirica, e di svilupparsi sulla base dei risultati della ricerca stessa. In sintesi, Marsha Linehan ha saputo, e ciò è ampiamente documentato sia dai manuali che dalle decine di lavori scientifici pubblicati su riviste di alto livello, creare un nuovo modo di trattare gravi condizioni di sofferenza psicologica integrando clinica e scienza.
Marsha at University of Washington
Marsha at BehavioralTech
Manuali DBT
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Bibliografia Essenziale
Cognitive-behavioral treatment of chronically parasuicidal borderline patients
Linehan MM, Armstrong HE, Suarez A, Allmon D, Heard HL
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Dialectical behavior therapy for borderline personality disorder: theoretical and empirical foundations
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Naturalistic follow-up of a behavioral treatment for chronically parasuicidal borderline patients.
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Dialectical behavior therapy for treatment of borderline personality disorder: implications for the treatment of substance abuse.
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Dialectical behavior therapy for patients with borderline personality disorder and drug-dependence.
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Dialectical behavior therapy--family skills training.
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Dialectical behavior therapy for personality disorders.
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Efficacy of dialectical behavior therapy in women veterans with borderline personality disorder.
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Effectiveness of inpatient dialectical behavioral therapy for borderline personality disorder: a controlled trial.
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Dialectical behaviour therapy for women with borderline personality disorder: 12-month, randomised clinical trial in The Netherlands.
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Dialectical behavior therapy for depressed older adults: a randomized pilot study.
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Dialectical Behavior Therapy of borderline patients with and without substance use problems. Implementation and long-term effects.
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Sustained efficacy of dialectical behaviour therapy for borderline personality disorder.
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Dialectical behavior therapy: current status, recent developments, and future directions.
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Mechanisms of change in dialectical behavior therapy: theoretical and empirical observations.
Lynch TR, Chapman AL, Rosenthal MZ, Kuo JR, Linehan MM.
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Family connections: a program for relatives of persons with borderline personality disorder.
Hoffman PD, Fruzzetti AE, Buteau E, Neiditch ER, Penney D, Bruce ML, Hellman F, Struening E.
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Two-year randomized controlled trial and follow-up of dialectical behavior therapy vs therapy by experts for suicidal behaviors and borderline personality disorder.
Linehan MM, Comtois KA, Murray AM, Brown MZ, Gallop RJ, Heard HL, Korslund KE, Tutek DA, Reynolds SK, Lindenboim N.
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Olanzapine plus dialectical behavior therapy for women with high irritability who meet criteria for borderline personality disorder: a double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study.
Linehan MM, McDavid JD, Brown MZ, Sayrs JH, Gallop RJ.
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Dialectical behavior therapy for clients with binge-eating disorder or bulimia nervosa and borderline personality disorder.
Chen EY, Matthews L, Allen C, Kuo JR, Linehan MM.
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Dialectical behavior therapy for borderline personality disorder.
Lynch TR, Trost WT, Salsman N, Linehan MM.
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Treating co-occurring Axis I disorders in recurrently suicidal women with borderline personality disorder: a 2-year randomized trial of dialectical behavior therapy versus community treatment by experts.
Harned MS, Chapman AL, Dexter-Mazza ET, Murray A, Comtois KA, Linehan MM.
J Consult Clin Psychol. 2008 Dec;76(6):1068-75.
Do improvements after inpatient dialectial behavioral therapy persist in the long term? A naturalistic follow-up in patients with borderline personality disorder.
Kleindienst N, Limberger MF, Schmahl C, Steil R, Ebner-Priemer UW, Bohus M.
J Nerv Ment Dis. 2008 Nov;196(11):847-51.
Dialectical behavior therapy for substance abusers.
Dimeff LA, Linehan MM.
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A randomized trial of dialectical behavior therapy versus general psychiatric management for borderline personality disorder.
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Dialectical behavior therapy skills use as a mediator and outcome of treatment for borderline personality disorder.
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Dialectical behavior therapy versus general psychiatric management in the treatment of borderline personality disorder.
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Outcome from a randomized controlled trial of group therapy for binge eating disorder: comparing dialectical behavior therapy adapted for binge eating to an active comparison group therapy.
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Dialectical behavior therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder related to childhood sexual abuse: a pilot study of an intensive residential treatment program.
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Adapting Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Children: Towards a New Research Agenda for Paediatric Suicidal and Non-Suicidal Self-Injurious Behaviours.
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Moderators of dialectical behavior therapy for binge eating disorder: Results from a randomized controlled trial.
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Dialectical behavior therapy for suicidal adolescents with borderline personality disorder.
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