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Become a Member

To register for SIDBT you must complete the form below.
The requirements for admission to SIDBT and the specifications of the member categories are described in the Regolamento .

Registration requests will be subject to approval by the Executive Board, you will subsequently receive a receipt of acceptance of the application or communication if there are problems relating to the registration itself.
Once you have received the communication of acceptance of the membership application, you need to pay the fee corresponding to your membership category (see Regolamento).

Registration Form

Once you have received confirmation of acceptance from SIDBT, to finalize your affiliation with SIDBT, proceed with the payment by bank transfer, indicating in the reason for payment: Nome Cognome Tipologia di Socio Anno di iscrizione

Bank account details:
IBAN: IT33Q0306909606100000195966
Banca IntesaSanpaolo
Piazza Paolo Ferrari 10
20121 MILANO (MI)
Payable to: Società Italiana per la Dialectical Behavior Therapy – SIDBT
